What’s the difference between the two pictures above (besides that blurry guy)? Â Answer – NOTHING (much), except location location location!!!
Against Dr Albert C Barnes‘ explicit last will & testament (please see The Art of The Steal for the full story, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), the Barnes Foundation left its suburban Merion, PA digs, and moved to a much more accessible, and incredible new home in downtown Philly.  The move itself may not be ethically correct (Barnes must be perpetually spinning in his grave), but the fact that many many many many many people are unaware that one of the world’s (if not THE world’s) greatest art collections exists in Pennsylvania is kinda unethical in its own right.  Well, America’s best kept secret aint gonna be a secret no mo!
The new Barnes does the impossible – it recreates something that should have never been recreated, and it does it brilliantly.  Dr Barnes’ specific layout of the art has been delicately reproduced to a T.  The faux home fooled us and nothing fools us!!!  What’s new won’t hurt the experience, but will only enhance it.  Haters will hate, but what’s done is done, and the new Barnes is the best case outcome of a raping of the old Barnes
The Barnes Collection’s new home, on the same grand avenue that houses the Philadelphia Museum of Art + the Rodin Museum, instantly puts Philly on the must stop and see American art map, alongside New York, DC, Chicago and Los Angeles.  If you have eyes, you have to show your eyes this collection.  What more can we say or do to get yer a$$ to The Barnes?  If we had the time and money and firearms, we’d force each and every one of you by gunpoint to go to The Barnes.  But please, let’s lay down our weapons and make Barnes-stormings, not war!!!
*also happens to be one of the year’s bestest too!
The Gus van Sant Most Pretentious Most Overhyped Most Boring Movie of The Year That Has Only One Line of Dialog Repeated 9272767 Times ‘You Seen My Daddy?‘
thanks to Art of The Steal for forcing us to visit the Barnes Foundation at its real home in Merion, PA before it moves and that experience will never exist again and we’ll be even more super mad pissed than we are now!!