Good Girls 78, Bad Girls 75, OT
Women's Final > Men's Final/Joakim Noah's facial expressions

(yes, I watched 11 total game minutes of a liz-adies' b-ball, an all time high for yours Thighly!)
Mandy Moore and Robin Williams are going
to the chapelLenny Kravitz
wishes he was is Jimi HendrixMartine McCutcheon and Richard E Grant
drink teaShavlik Randolph and Louis Williams want to
double team you [Navi Eht Elbirret]
Britney Spears
parties with dwarvesAshley Simpson
does not need meBandwagon Boy goes
into spaceThere's no reason
2007 couldn't have been 1997
Trevor's mum
is the breastDoctor Who is
the new William ShatnerHe may or may not look particularly James Spaderish
Twin Peaks turns 16 this Saturday, and my dear Papa, 63. So who's buying the black licorice? [
ND Kalu]
'One Wild Night,' Beastie Boys: Rappers let 50 fans create movie of Madison Square Garden concert. The film turned out so well, the same 50 people have been challenged to make a Knicks telecast watchable. -
Dan Steinberg and Desmond BielerGawker
stalks George ClooneyGeorge Clooney
stalks GawkerMusic Snob
stalks Dangermouse, and his family while eating soul food
spreaking de Deutsche of...
time for a
Muzak BREAK!!!May 9th
can't come soon enuff, or about as many times as I cum to the sweet sweet tunes of
Gnarls Barkley. Can you say future breastest album of the '06?

And since May 9th is a may and a 9th away, lettuce make do with a make do GB EP. Click the links and find the gold, gnarly gold...
'Crazy' [
'Crazy', cover by The Kooks [
'Go Go Gadget Gospel' [
'Gone Daddy Gone', Violent Femmes cover [
'Just A Thought' [
'Smiley Faces' [
+ these two non-Barkley charles-ton chews...
'Black Metallic' - Catherine Wheel [
'Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego' - Rockapella [

From A(ieee!) to Z(zzzzwap!),
Batman TV series onomatopoeia shaz [
Dr Culpeppers]
rigged door [vid]
The retro-fitting of a KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter bar
T H E M O V I E T I M E L I N E [
Montreal Expo 1967 [
GayWheels.comYoda DogWhat's up with 666, the "mark of the beast"?Man creates
giant kebabUp for grabs, to the highest bidder,
one original amateur Leprechaun sketch [
And how does one make the NBA fun?
And on a rather sad note, we bid a mos peaceful the fork out to a stand up guy in a sit down world,
Benjamin Chappel, who introduced me to a lotta fab peopl
e and other fun smelling fun stuff