Sloppy 20th my dearest and mos current Her Royal Thighness

[my flav pics of her here]and a belated bustday to the hottiest 42 year old, Monica Bellucci, who never met a
droplet of
water her
body didn't like [links NSFW]
OK, so the
Skins are winning again, but I'd hardly say that it has tanytang to do wit Mark Brunell and his infamous 6-yard passes. If
Santana Moss didn't have all the right moves like Stefen Djordjevic, the Jag-offs woulda won by 15. And I'm sure u saw the end highlights of the Colts/Jets game, but
here it is again for those who are ig-nint
Overjoyed Saints Fans Tear Roof Off Reopened Superdomehonestly, don't even bother with the film
United 93, unless yer easily captivated by an hours worth of air traffic control recreation scenes. I saw the Discovery Channel's
The Flight That Fought Back a year ago, which is basically the eggzact same thang, but since
Flight has interviews with the family of the deceased, tits miles davis away the better of the two
outside of the Pacino-Wells Fargo bit and the Tina Fey-less news (twas about effin time), the SNL season pre-shmear blew John Stossel's mustachioed balls. How fitting then that it was hosted by the unfunny funnyman Dane Cook, whose
Tourgasm show
was the least worthwhile series ever to air on HBO -- Arli$$ included [Gulf of Sonkin]
the little dream I dreamt has come true:
the return of the Coreys! And yes,
Corey Haim's looks could kill you
you decide what's scarier:
the Screech sex-tape or the Jessie Spano 'So Eggcited' montagethe ADL, continuing to be the more embarrassing to Jews than
Brett Ratner or
the 'midget twin' d'bags whom
everyone lovesunless Kristin Cavallari shows off her 'hair pie',
the Revenge of the Nerds remake is destined to be only a IVth good as
Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love so how comes
Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard [
set photos] aint being shot in New Hampshire (
the state's motto, minus the hard)? Are they afraid of
the ghost of
the Old Man of the mountain?
first rule of
The OC season 4:
you do not talk about Fight Club!
you could be the designer of the 2010
Olympic mascot, I mean, if you handed in a Post-It note with stick figures, it would still be seen as a vast improvement over
Athena and Phevos remember
Little Mr Sunshine? There's even
mo fo yo!
and does anyone remember the REAL
Little Miss Sunshine? Hopefully
Roger Hargreaves is makin some sick royalty monies from that mediocre movie

Closed Captioned for the boviously impairedWhat was the first thing ever sold on eBay?your typical NFL long snapper's weekdaywerld's bestest
no-hotlinking allowed messageMr. Rogers meets Donkey Kongthe Mindy Kaling (
The Office's Spicy Curry award winner) Livejournal Community
w/o the handy
Shakespeare Searched, I woulda had no idea that 'flazzum' or 'thrizz' did not appear in any of his werks
Top 10 Worst Portrayals of Technology in Film [Jew Wanna Cure?]
The 25 Worst Web SitesStars Caught In The RainTrekkie ParadiseMascot Stalker [
Bad Idea Jeans,
tatts edish [NSFW Wednesday Addams on the 2nd one]
9 months of gestation in 20 secondsand, the day that high brow purrfectly met wit low brow...

[The Menace]