Friday, May 18
Fay Grim Mötley Fool Trailer
Our finest President once said, 'Fool me once... shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again.' I have no idea what he was blathering blatherskiting about, but then again, I really have no idea why nine years after the fact that Hal Hartley decided to make a sequel to his Cannes award winning indie gem de menthe Henry Fool. While it's nice to see the Fool & the Gang back together again (including Liam Aiken, who played Klaus Baudelaire in the interm), and this time bein' mixed up in some international mischief, along side Jeff Goldblum, Saffron Burrows and Telly [sorta NSFW], the end result is juss too messy to fully enjoy, even for the mos Foolhearted out there. One Fool was enuff, cause the second trip is somewhere between full of itself and runnin on empty
Netflex: indie sequels rarely work (Clerks 2 anyone?), but Indy sequels always do, so why not hit up Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade [trailer], which IMO, is even more mother superior than Raiders!
Apt MPupil3: Beatles' demoish versh of 'Fool On The Hill' [d|vid]
John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict): Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges•
Rental Round Up(dog)
Death of A President [Trailer]
Dying for more of that James Urbaniak brand of Urbaniakness? Or perhaps yer still a bit thirsty after digging into Neil Burger's jar-heading Interview with the Assassin. I thought you waz! So, why not try on this highly interesting photoshopped film about the fauxsassination of Resident Bush and the 'what if' aftermath. For being pure fiction, it's almost a bit more thought provoking than Fahrenheit 9/11 [review], which was too darn liberal, even for this liberal!
until next thyme the balcony is clothed...