Monday, October 8
The Cleavage Browns waived handlebar mustachioed punter Scott Player today, which officially puts an end to the era of the one-bar facemask... until he gets claimed off waivers by some other team, snatchurally. While we wait for that day, add a prayer that the NFL never bans thumbmazin' mustaches, like Scott's... unless flubvs course wees is stalkin about Jake Plummer's porn-stache
sea all sew:
Player was cut by Zona earlier this season for a guy named Barr [CBC Sports]
The One-Bar Lives On [1st & 10 Inches]
If mustaches could talk, Player's would speak Awesomenese [PhatPhree]
Jabba's Home of Helmets [The Helmet Hutt]
Hey Dude took place at the Bar None Dude Ranch [Hey Dude Fansite]