The Bank Job
Job Well Done
Trailers & Mo
Jason Statham has built an entire acting career on heists, cons and transporting. The films in which he stars in are usually high on octane and low on brain usage, and no one seems to mind one bit. But what if one of these high-octane Statham action flicks had a brain attached to it? Wouldn't that be the perfect movie? That question was answered with a resounding 'yes' in
The Bank Job, Roger Donaldson's (
No Way Out,
Thirteen Days) loose take on a real London bank robbery from 1971 that crossed the hairs of everyone from the criminal underground, the police, the secret service, the British government and even the Royal Family. No arrests were ever made and none of the money was ever recovered. Not much information has ever surfaced from the case, thanks to a government
D-notice request, but Donaldson does his best to piece together a story from what little facts exist and the fiction he sprinkled in. This is one of the mos entertaining caper flicks we've seen since
The Usual Suspects. It may not be as taxing on the brain as
Suspects, but what do you expect, it's juss a Jason Statham movie
Job 1: Statham already co-starred in
The Italian Job and will be seen next year in its sequel,
The Brazilian JobJohn Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict):
Breast In ShowCJ7 (Cheung Gong 7 hou)Bites Off More Than It Can Chow
Trailers & Mo
What are we to make of Stephen Chow's
CJ7? It's family film, that's too strange to be a family film, and while it has the typical Chow hijinks and outlandish action one would expect, it doesn't have enough of either to truly satisfy the fans that ate up his
King Fu Hustle or
Shaolin Soccer. So what are we left with? A so-so Hong Kong
knock-off of
ET. Cept this alien, known as CJ7, moves a lot faster, and doesn't have a glowing heart that will melt your own. Since you probably won't fall in love with the shape-shifting fur ball, you may for his human counterpart, Dicky, a little poor boy who's actually played by a little girl. He/she hits all the right notes, but it's not enough sweet music to make up for the rest of the mediocre symphony
Hello Kitty: keep and eye and a thigh on cutie supreme
Kitty Zhang Yuqi. she is a niiiiiiiice
John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict):
Sum Merit But No Stinkin BadgesPenelopePig Slop
Trailers & Mo
Where to begin. The end credits. If only we could of. Urggggggggggggh!!!
John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict):
Slit Your Eyes Out RepoopulousThe Bank Job &
CJ7 open this Friday
until next thyme the balcony is clothed...