remember this hottie mcgee supreme that tried to tag-team a non-interested/totally gay Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut that we boasted about back in the '06 [see bottom of post for butter pics]

all we knew about her was that her name was
Stewart Thorndike and that we totally have to mother her children. well after fo ages with nada nunca news about her, our belovededed
Google Alerts finally came thru the looking glass! turns out she's alive and well, a recent NYU film school grad, and that her full name is Megan Stewart Thorndike (although like Night Shaayalalamamadingdong, she goes by M. Stewart Thorndike), and we know this cause
she's holding a giant check from TimeLife for winning their 2008 Young Filmmakers Challenge
we dug up a few thangs M. Night Thorndike has worked on that you won't find on IMDbsweeney...
'John's Polka', a Converse shoe spot she shot
Tess and Nana, her graduate thesis film
People Are Children, co-director
Turning, co-director
4am, Friday, she starred in the short film
Team Queen, grip/gaffer
Shock Art, boom operator
we wish u much success in the future, cause that'll mean more new pics of you (with or without giants checks)!! as always, we'll be keeping our Eyes and Thighs wide open for you Thorny!
we now return to the usual poop...
NBC greenlights an
an Office spin-off. Hopefully it won't involve the very unfunny BJ Novak
Trainspotting jail bait NSFW babe gives birth to a son... sadly, it's not ours
a Wyld Stallions reunion? [
Bjork lives where the wild things arewe wanna take a bite outta Lena Fujii's applenew Bond girl Olga Kurylenko Maxim UKStephen Colbert giving Jon Stewart the reach around [NSFW]
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