Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Wednesday, July 23

Peace of A$$

Forks Out

'Stop or Her Mom
Will Poop'

née Scher

1923 - 2008

Benihana papa
Senator Helms deep
big Bozo
Big Bird's costume designer
the Snow man
Mr New York Magazine
Woody Allen's producer
'Leave It To Beaver' themer
Scarlett O'Hara's sister
Dudley Do-Right inspiration
that solider in that picture
the next Mickey Mantle
the nation's first African-American sportscaster
the guy who had a lotta heart
Kelsey Grammer's mum
bidness computer pioneer
the principal's assistant from Grease
Jenny Craig's hubby
PeeWee's Playhouse designer
the 'opera ain't over till the fat lady sings' guy
Uga VI, the bulldog

a belated forks out to
our boy and a 1/2

Major Garland Briggs

1942 - 2008