Wednesday, March 18
Sunshine Cleaning Not Much More Than Meets The Supplies Trailers & Mo | Official Website

Sunshine Cleaning starts with a bang (a man offs himself in a gun store) and ends in predictability (life's tough, but we'll make it through, together, as a family!). And it's no real sirprize that it turned its decent potential (a house cleaner becomes a CSI quicker picker upper) into an underwhelming slice of familiarity when the movie typecasted it's tight cast (we won't even bother mentioning that Sunshine was produced by the team behind Little Miss Sunshine... although we juss did, and this new Sunshine coulda used a tad of the quirkiness that the other had too much of). Amy Adams plays a cheery, but vulnerable girl. Emily Blunt is an easily annoyed, eye-rolling sourpuss. Alan Arkin is a witty grampa who's so loving, and so witty! And grumpy gus Mary Lynn Rajskub sports a look on her face like she was in a Willie McGee impersonator competition. That's some of the least stretching we've seen since we didn't stretch for every PE class during middle school (go Jags!). The movie isn't anywhere close to being bad. Then again, so is eating at Taco Bell, but you don't have to eat at Taco Bell
Most Kind of Wonderful: we're pleased as punch to know that Eric Stoltz' lil sister in Some Kind of Wonderful (Maddie Corman) is still employed as an actress

Verdictgo: Sum Merit But No Stinking Badges
Watchmen Any Movie We See Twice In A Theater Is Bona Fide Bestness Trailers & Mo | Official Website

no qualms from these sweaty palms in viewing #2 of the movie with the greatestesteistest opening credits mt EVERest, cept:
people probably won't love it as much if they haven't read the graphic novel comic books
Frank Langella should have played Nixon
Michael Sheen should have played /Frost
Stanley Hudson should have played Dr Malcolm Long
Ozymandias needed to be less British, more buff, less gay, less guy from Match Point
in addition to being JFK's killer, the Comedian should have also been the Zodiac too
Zodiac should have won best picture
how can Zack Snyder get any more visionary than this?
more credits for Eli Snyder
more Akerman hotness
more NSFW Akerman hotness
let more women kiss Silhouette
more blue penis
why wasn't it 17 hours long?
Verdictgo: still BREAST IN SHOW!!!!!, but not with even more!!!!!
Cleaning is currently playing in limited release, while Wacthmen is still being watched at a theater near Jews
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed...