Tuesday, September 1

yes sweet-tees, that was us defying our patriotism and rootin tootin you on like crizzazy last night in yer first US Open match and win over tuff American Meghann Shaughnessy. we got an inkling that yer totally hot for us (your perkies did look rather perky), and if you didn't know, we're totally hot for you (always have been). we're sick of you not winning any grand slams (furtherest she's ever gottensen was the semis at the Aussie Open), and we've got another inkling that this US Open is thighs wide yours for the spreading. it doesn't hurt that you ditched busted-arsed Nike for AllDayIDreamOfSex, which = breastfast of champions! you go girl, and we know you will!
perviously humpuchova: Game, Set, Snatch