Wednesday, December 30
Das Weisse Band (The White Ribbon) Presumed Innocence Trailers & Mo | Official Website

Ah kinders/children, they seem so free of the world's evils and monstrosities, that is until they grow up to become evil and are the cause of the monstrosities!!! Therein lies the duality of udder beauty and quiet horror that transpires in Michael Haneke (both Funny Games, Caché)'s mysterious and mesmerizing White Ribbon. His black and white fable is part Laura Ingalls Wilder, part Village of The Damned, part The Village (well, at least the good parts), and is all parts wonderful. It won the Palme d'Or at this past year's Cannes, should win best foreign pic at this year's Oscars, and honestly, should be nominated for breast picture overall (there's 10 spots, so at least one of them has to go to something worthy, right?). It's no Up In The Air, but of course it's not, cause this is a timeless film that's actually brilliant instead of a film people think is brilliant simply cause it's timely. But you'll never know cause you'll probably never see Ribbon cause it doesn't star anyone you know (unless you remember Burghart Klaußner from The Reader), and probably won't play in your area (which isn't your fault), so before we stop and pause for end of the year breast and brelaxation (read: no posts until next week), all we can say is EAT IT APATOW & CLOONEY!!!!
Leader Hosen: eggsalad performances are found all around in Ribbon, the finest being between the school teacher (love those glasses Christian Friedel!!) and the young lass he is adorably courting, played by the cutie patootie Leonie Benesch

Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Ribbon opens in NY/LA only today
and until NEXT YEAR!!!! the balcony is clothed...