Tuesday, March 23
Nobody likes Jack Valenti, except for maybe Momma Valenti. He's the pimp behind the wheels over at the Motion Picture Association of America. Word on the streets is that he may step down in a few months. That would be the best news in Crappywood since Ben Affleck swore off action movies. Jacky Val sure loves violence and for some reason, hates seeing people naked. Him and his pals have no problem giving a horrifically violent movie like The Passion of The Christ an R rating, but if a movie contains some good ole cock or vagina, they'll make the filmmakers cut it out of the movie or slap an NC-17 rating on, which = box office poison. This is f-in ridiculous. Why should we be sheltering under 18-year olds from sexual organs, which they will eventually see in their lives, when we should be keeping them from violence. I'd much rather have a kid interested in licking some nipples (male or female) than wanting to own a rocket launcher so they can destroy cars and shit.