Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Monday, April 12

Shiz That Hized Today

These People Were Born
1916 - Beverly "Loud and" Cleary
1947 - David "Pearl Jam's" Letterman
1947 - Tom "For Some Reason I Think B Affleck
is a Better Jack Ryan" Clancy
1979 - Claire "My So Called Acting Career" Danes

You bore me, & you
look like my friend JP

And These People Croaked
1945 - Franklin D "eez Nutz" Roosevelt
1981 - "Average" Joe Louis
1989 - Sugar "Free" Ray Robinson
1989 - Abbie "Normal" Hoffman
2001 - Harvey "Have In A" Ball...
the dude who invented the Smiley
2003 - Cecil H. Green, Texas Instruments Founder
Damn you and yer $2,000 graphing calculators

How does one invent "the Smiley"?

And This Shit Happened
1633 - Galileo is convicted of eating Hershey chocolate...
I mean heresy
1961 - Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space. No one really cares unless the word "American" is in that statement.
1992 - Euro Disney opens in France. Jerry Lewis replaces Michael Jackson in the French version of the 3-D extravaganza Captain Eo.

The least watched 3-D
movie since Jaws 3-D