Friday, April 2
Apparently, Fugazi is still together! I guess they aint ready to give up their huge moneymaking enterprise (free concerts, no t-shirts, or collectible glasses from Arby's) just yet. Straight outta Dischord's website:
Contrary to a flood of recent internet postings, Fugazi has not broken up. Over the years the band has circulated in and out of active recording and touring according to the ebb and flow of their personal lives. Two band members now have families with children and currently their concerns are being put above the band's. As of this moment Fugazi is not actively playing or recording but that doesn't mean the band won't become active again in a year, two or possibly never....such is life. Members of Fugazi have always made music outside the band and will continue to do so. Ian is currently playing in a duo with Amy Farina (ex-Warmers) called the Evens, Brendan has been playing with Amy Domingues and Jerry Busher in Garland of Hours, Joe recorded an album with Black Sea (now called Decahedron) feautring ex-Frodus members Jason and Shelby, and Guy performed with members of The Ex at a jazz festival in Austria.