Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Wednesday, May 12

Kicking It Cicada Stiz-yle

worse than Hebrew school
You really bug me
As previously reported on TWS here and here, the DC area, the rest of the Mid-Atlantic, and parts of the Midwest will soon be swarming with a shiite-load of annoying bugs called CICADAS. It's enuff to make you want to be in doors and enuff to make my favorite columnist ever, Tony "TK Stack Money" Kornheiser, write his best piece in ages. TK likens the cicada noise as something even worse than listening to William Hung and Fran Drescher croon, "Endless Love." And of course area bidnessesses are trying to cash in on what is being called Cicada Buzz (Dearest Uncle Grambo would be proud). So why am I going home for Memorial Day again?