Sunday, June 20
Q: Who just spent 44 unrelievable hours in Louisville, Kentucky, breathing white russians and fried chicken, gambling on horses, surrounded by men dressed as everything from a Creedence Clearwater Revival cassette tape box to three thousand years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax, while obliterating one's wrists by bowling 9 games in one day?
A: Your not so humble narrator, The Thigh Daddy and the Rocktown Crew (Joe E Tartar, The Hof of the Nads, & RayKwan the Chef vs. Meth) and our fellow brethren, the 1K + fellow achievers.
But seriously folks, as much as I want to disclose all this weekend's shamrocks and shenanigans (best worst song ever) that occurred at the 3rd Annual Lebowski Fest, I'm going to have to hold off until I have all of the pictures as visual evidence. Stay tuned on this developing story as it all already happened...