Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Thursday, June 30

I Am The Sunshine
Of Your Lives

• Things are gettin a bit hectic like General Electric in the race for the soon to be vacant throne. Pinder's been grabinin other chick's boobs [sorta semi NSFW], Harley Quinn's been transforminin into a real person, Mischa's been wearinin less clothes than she has pounds, Albanski's been crossinin her arms way too much, yuMM's been cuddlinin with ma and dawgs, Padme's been screaminin more than when she was preggers, Sharapova's been fondleinin balls, and Cuthabovetherest has been launchinin a massive counter-offensive of over eggsposeher to win the hearts of the peoples and stay in power. I've never felt so wanted. Cept when I signed up for Columbia House six times over, never paid em a dime (just that one tapped penny), and their collector's were following me around the globe from Ocean City, NJ, to Ocean City, MD. When will the madness end in my house? And when will I hear Madness' 'Our House' [d-lode] on my shores? Oh yeah, probably this fall.

• Lindsay Lohag's taste in music is 55% gag me with a spork, 33% rad, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.

• Bob Geldof dropped from his own event

• It (muss) Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold them Back... from releasing more albums with catchy names that no one will buy.

Cuthbert-Camilla flick, The Quiet, gets its world splurtmear at this year's Torononototo Film Fest. I've already booked my flight and put an order in for 23 boxes of Kleenex and 12 bottles of Jergens.

• The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Lemme take a bite of the peach.

• Love Page Six, but don't feel like registirrin in order to read it on the interwebs? Me too. So many spanks to PG6 for doing all the work for us. Please do not confuse this site with, formerly, but not to be confused with,,,,, [NSFW], Page 3, or GI Joe hero Deep Six. [1st link via Ms Ism]

• Stella needs a new groove to get her old one back. While it may be awhile before her next ménage e trois, Stella can suck on some Artois.

• Despite Mischa's hotness, monkey, and milk, no one wants to buy Keds.

• One thing that could possibly get me to watch the NBA: the 7-years too late debut of ex-Terpie Sarunas Yesamadcabbages

• Keira Knightley and a visibly upset man in a yellow polo

• AMC Theatres theythinks you'll love Cinderella Man so dang much that they're offering a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. More info here.

• My new job is located in the gravyest of gravy area. Willem Dafoe walks down the street in peace, there are 5 places that vend baked carb yummies in my building alone, and the beloved highline lines the skies. I've never had the pleasure of exploring the high line, but that all will change very soon. Before they make it all neo-crazy-sexy-cool, I want to eggspearance it in its current dilapidated form. Thanks to Verbose Coma, this will be my guide.

• What Ken Jennings watches

• Mexican Stamp Called Offensive To Blacks [via The Real Jonah]

• Boffins Create Zombie Dogs. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. [via Red Hot Core-Vette]

• This may be a repost, BUTT... Today's Front Pages

• Alex Feingold and his whoreibble taste in animated gifs

• York, PA, the 'Factory Tour Capital of the World'! With 5 of these tours focusing on potato chip or pretzel manufacturing (Utz being #1 in both categories), they may want to change their motto to 'Crumbiest Place On Earth'!