Monday, February 20
Garbage In my mouth
Hershey's unbeknownst bestest trio
 Gawd, pleaseth make my Rite Aid stop selling all of these fine delectables 4 for a dolla, before I need to enlist the real Dr Nick
Watching Cef almost eat his yuckgusting b-day sausage 'cake' at Herr Heidelberg Restaurant
 as well as almost yackgusting all over myself for eating pig's knuckles (at this point, I'm convinced that'i'll never be buried in a Jewish cemetery)
And for Steiner's b-day, ventured out to BedStuy, where NY state's ONLY Bojangles (inferior) Fried Chicken resides, and apparently majestic subway stain glass treasures, like these found on the JMZ line [b-low snap from NYCSubway.org's NYCE Subway Art Guide]
 And would you bee leave that the ONLY Bojangles in NY shares an 'L' counterspace alongside a Carvel, an Arthur Treachers, and a Subway, all scrunched INSIDE A GROCERY STORE? Lettuce juzz say that two white kids making a fried chicken pilgrimage to a BedStuy grocery store sure gets one a lot of odd looks, which is not to be confused with 30 Odd Foot of Grunts!
Garbage Out of a trashcan and into my home
Why on earth would anyone in their frank lloyd right mind ever throw away anything Atari in la basura (the trash)? Unless doves course they knew that the T-Mizzle was going to reclaim it for the Republic of Thighland!!
 Sadly, to this day, I am still bitter herbs at my smartsy fartsy older brother for throwing away our Atari 800XLc computer (that's right, Atari computer, complete with 64K of power!!) years ago, although it was never going to work again (the dreaded 'BOOT ERROR' repeated screen of death!!). But then hagain, how could I be bitter to a boy who was bitter in his own write when all he wanted for one of his teen b-days was an Apple IIC(or was it E?), and thoughts he got it when he saw a large box sitting on his bed, but instead gots from our rents a wrestling ring he could use with his small collection of WWF LJN action figures. Don't worry, the story has a happening ending: he's still my brother, he's still smart, and thanks to eBay, one day we'll probably get to play Drol, Archon, Karateka, and Lucasfilm Games' Ball Blazer!
I got scared shrieked the other night/morning (wood) when some random drunk girl in my apt woke me up at 4:19 AM by simply opening my bedroom door (an open door was the ghetto alarm clock my mom used to get my arse up for middle thru high school). Said drunken girl was beheaded by morning, but not before I couldn't go back to bed and heard her lambaste my CD collection, including the ownership of an All Saints' CD. C'mon, I got it for free thru my 237432th membership to BMG, + I lived in London for 1/2 a year in '98 when shit Britannia was cool!
  All Saints - 'Under The Bridge' [d-lode] All Saints - 'Never Ever' [d-lode] All Saints - 'Pure Shores' (off of Saints & Sinners/The Beach soundtrack) [d-lode]
And mattmag4188...
 stay away from my woman, or since I know many Jews in media, I'll have yer AOL IM account suspended!!
Seacrest Out and me too cause I is OUTATIME for today kids!