So hows comes we'ves nevers seens Sarah Jessica Parkers & Mitch from Real Genius in the same bat room, at the same bat time?

You mean joe greene to tell me that
telegrams hadn't already gone the way of funny American sitcoms? And that
Falkor's sister isn't already a US citizen? Shiz is gonna be a tuff task considering
Fantasia is apart of the Axis of Evil.
Gorillaz/Madonna penta-et (that's like a duet, but for 5) will open the Grammys with 7 minutes of bang, and then the rest of the show will be 203 minutes of whimper. And why can't we let
Borat [vid] host everything?
Freaking of
Borat Sagdiyev, sucks to be the British ambassador to Kazakhstan right about now, hispecially when you have to
defend his humoristic merits of British racism to the people being racilisted against
Breastest home video news, until the announcement of the
Twin Peaks season 2 discs: two-disc special editions HD DVD AND standard DVD releases
Clockwork Orange,
The Shining,
2001: Space Odyssey and an UN CUT VERSION of
Eyes Wide Shut will be released later this year. Dats the news
Ebert's been waiting ages for, for he's been love jonezin for that lost ark of beatoff matz [
Jodie Sweetin a Meth addict? I guess someone had to buy
Tical 2000 : Judgement Day
Reservations. Candlelight. Table Side Service. Valentine's Day. White Castle?!?!!? Mankind has just jumped the shark... and
my friend, is no Alfred Hitchcock, and you my
Malkovich aint no Kubrick, and
Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.
Lindsay Lohan's Lost Diary, is nothing but 347299553 pages about her being coo-coo for my huge-huge co-cock. Lettuce hope it does see the light of day, but not starring Michael J Fox or Joan Jett [via Navi the Elbirret]
Belated conflatulations to
the mother of my children for her Outstanding Choreography nomination for work on a local ghetro production of
Kiss of the Spider Woman [
MoMA's gonna be a SCREAM come late Feb when there's
MUNCH to do about nothing
Gnarls BarkleyThe
commercial is still MIA, but
Jhoon Rhee still fights for right. And for all the lizadies out there, this stud's for you

[via SkunkI via the Dollar]DAVE KRIEG RULES... in the
fumbles department!! Ah, to be a Bears fan in '96, when DK was kickin it and fumble apprentice
Rashaan Salaam was his RB
AAAAAAAAaaa rrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnhhhh, HHHurrRRRRRRRRnhhhh. UUUHHHGGG-rrrr! UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! HHHurrRRRRRRRRnhhhh. AAAAAAAAaaa rrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnhhhh!I'm
an XL and my addy is:
Thigh Master
c/o Amblin Entertainment
123 Anywhere St
Thighland, Thailand Killah Hills 10304
Somesbody please take a thing and get Sean Paul's 'We Be Burnin' [
d-lode] straight outta my head and into
my car a jar
Cool is having
you sitting on my face
Awesome is when your TV sister is giving me a mustache ride...
in 3+ years timeSomething not to poop on:
Triumph The Insult Comic Moonlighting As TV Weatherman In HawaiiIs the saying "Beer before liquor, never sicker, liquor before beer, never fear" physiologically accurate?Fender to Kitty,
'Hello!'Wolf Howl Animal Peserve's Wolf T Shirt Long Sleeve [via Kruisemanko]
IFILM's Viral Video's Best of 2005'sThighs wide ShutI guess I can scratch this one off for Hot Cross Buns Friday:
57 Hines WardBad Candy AND
Bad-Candy AND
Bad Video Game Covers [via Tededore |
Data Que?]
I've got my mind set on [aud] replacing Coyle (the soon to be
William Henry Harrison of her Her Royal Thighnesses)

But I've also got my mind on the
Shroud of
Torino Winter Olympiad, where I predict that
Michael Essany
Jan Michaelis

is an 8pt favorite
to becoming the
2nd becoming of
Simon Ammann
Swiss Ski Jumper Hero of Swissland
(but not to be confused with Swaziland)
of the Salt Lake Games
who had the single grate-ist

[watch the vid
2mins 40secs in
for all that jazz]PEE ES - this FRIDAY at 11:59 PM IS THE HAPSOLUTELYE FINAL DAY TO SEND IN SUBMISSIONS for the Cornme in History Photochop super contest!!! Monday all entries (all 7 of them) will be posted and you will vote for who is supreme over-underlord, to me, Supreme Adobe Photoshop Commanding Vice Lord
General Madine! Here's an eggsample that I masterfullofitly did for you to choke on my genus bitches!!

go gettum gumshoes!!

THIS JUST INalthough a day late

o' Nancy, u are so O'Best, so O'Brills, so Oh-some!!
O'y vey is the old new
Coachella or
Bonnaroo or
Paloozaor Vans Warped Tour?