Engrish imitating
I don't ever want to leave
Lily Allen town. If I stay a bit longer I bet I can be mayor AND comptroller!! You won't wanna leave too when you d-lode a bunch of her bestness
here [go 2 the bottom]. Thighly recommended: 'LDN' and 'Knock Em Out'
Mark your
calendars messiers:
Get A Life screening + Q&A w/Chris Elliot & Adam Resnick, Thursday, May 25 @ NYC's
Cinema Village. Full deetz 4thcummin
Andre the Giant aint gots no love for
love child. Apparently no PEANUTS FOR YOU girl!!
When Mr T and Ice T
T-ed offThe somewhat slightly longer
Jack White Coke ad, which may or may not have been nipped from
this Nippon video thingie [
Sucka Pantz]
Thigh Mizzle's question for Sash-Co doesn't make
The Hearld, but
did get askedOur mos flavorite Danger Mouse project named after Mike Gminski’s former teammate gets interviewed by
BitchsporkOur mos flavorite competitive eating brother-in-law gets interviewed not
once, but
Tara Reid's nipple, safe to slobber over again [NSFW]
Choose your poison: 'Jolene' by Olivia Newton John & Apollo Zero [
d] OR 'Everybody's Talkin' by Leonard Nimoy [
d] [boths vis
Bubby Blister]
Paulie Walnuts is
nuts for NetflixKJV BIBLE signed by President Bush himself, so far, ZERO bids
I think
Andy Rooney kinda wants to bone Conan's Finnish doppelganger
The Warriors OSTPadme touch me
Hynotize Gif Power. Hof is a HOF
Suck my Wang sucks
There aint enuff Jews to eat a bagel
this large. Sadly there aint a lotta Jews period. Imagine if there were more. We'd have 51231774455 channels and everyone would want suck our lox
Wonder if
Deb gave
Ism a good rate
Wisestest law that was too stoopid to stand:
The Metric Conversion Law, from '75
HJ Matz [
Ny Mets]
Poor Man's Version mt everest
Un-in-tent-shun-knoll hispanic section:
City of Scottsdale not likely to bite into
Pink Taco [
videos de la música [
Senor Que?]
Although I was a lil shocked that muchas didn't include the gayest,
'Sex Over The Phone' by the Village People, and the wurstest,
'I Wanna Love You Tender' by Armi & Danny [OK-rea &
Monk from Onk]
Mexican Lobby Card FiestaExiting el baño...
Hot Chicks with Douchebags [
De La Roach]
The least d-loded
Kiddie Record of the '06:
The Story of Little Black SamboLast thing you want to do yourself, in the comfort of yer own home:
LASIK SurgeryThe Death Star Home Theater, snatchurally wit THX sound system. THC-infused ideas not included [
WWWang Computers]
She can't see [NSFW]
And now a lil
something for the ladies [NSFW]
one for nobody [VERY NSFW]
And if it aint Ellison, tits...

[jay mohr]Tell yer friends to read TWS.org. Why? Cause gossip sites* suck, but not as much as me in front of a set of nipples. SLOBVS!
*we don't consider ourselves a gossip site, more like a flazzle John Stossel mustache riding depot of ass raping clowns from outer Kevin Spacey