Leon spinks I forgot all about our current and mos luscious jackson of Her Royal Thighnesseses, Camilla Who Rungeth Ma Albert's Liberty Taco Belle? I didn't, but you did, you JERKS and JERKETTES! Well, she got into a bit o trouble a few months back and had waz forced to go all underground hiding and shit thru Thighland's Jehovah Witness Relocation Program. They totally made her ditch her identity and loosen her panties and made her up to look like the Baroness, for her own security, and for my own sick perverted animated porn fantasies with the first lady of Cobra
But she's back-tion like Action Jackson (if they ever went all sequel on us and stuff), and been busier and bustier than ever, with my doctor ordered 18 daily HJs, tossing out all the bananas from our bags of Runts, and the mos daunting task of dem all, taking Sio Jr and Edgar Jr to Hebrew school. You can't imagine how much of my DNA dem kids gots. I never wanted to go either, and I complained so much to my rents that they took me out.
Two things that should be important, but really isnaren't: Bonds on Babe and Marissa Coop flying the coop
60 minutes well spent that you probsbbsbsly spent elsewhere, like watching crap on CrapTV: 60 Minutes's 60 minutes of nuttin but Mike Wallace. I doubt it'll be this grand when Morley Safer calls it quits
EW operation dumbo dropped The 25 Best Music Websites in their shlumble opinion. I think they're a bunch of effin carnivores, cause how else could they explain the omission of the single bestest music site on the interwebs/nets/netwebs, Brooklyn Vegan. Bastages!! I bet if they did a Top 25 Thigh-Related sites thingamajig, we wouldn't even make the top million billion
Flyest semi-undiscovered singer I last mentioned in Rocktober of '04 but wanted to bring to yer attention 1nce again cause I came all over across her myspace page and she's still mad fly and I'm totally headICKted to her knees' beesish song 'Here With You': Marie' Digby
I'm sure I've missed some, but I'm only human and I have to sleep at some point, hispecially with some French Open and crab eating in my near future. What bout you'alls? What was up yer anus during yer middle schoolish daze, when we didn't have good taste in music, we hung on Adam Curry's every word and cassingles were the Bar Mitzvah DJ's giveaway of choice?