Monday, August 7
Chi-town, my kinda town. Probably the 6th+ time I've been there. It's like Diet New York, or maybe New York Zero would be more apropos. The people are hella nice. They have a hella lotta Popeyes. And it's quiet as all effin hella hell, and you know how quiet hella hell is (all dough, their public transit is hella wurstest and hella loud). While the weekend was more rockin than John Rocker eating his Johnny Rocket's at the Hard Rock Cafe while watching reruns of Roc, there was one major disappointment: I was unable to meet up with Peabs (and Grambs and Grambs bro, and Grambs' Uncle Tupelo), and thus didn't get to eat puddin pops outta his anus while screaming John Stossel in his right ear as I stick my CAK airport in his left. Well Peabs, we'll always have Cambodia. And that foursome with Mrs Garrett and Mindy Cohn. Enuff of the introductory paragraph and on with the snapples!!
sum of my mos flavorite entertainment things took place here: Vice Versa Webster Blues Bros The Bozo Show (dude, I totally coulda hit all dem buckets) The Untouchables anything by John Hughes anything with John Candy not Batman Begins
and mos importantly Adventures In Babysitting where lil Thor-lovin whore Maia Brewton hung on to dear life on the vagina building I loved that movie so much that I sent a letter to each of the 4 principle actors I got an autograph snap back from Maia and E Shue damn you Tony Rapp and Keith Coogan!!
and how could I forget about Al Bundy & Co
cause I totally wanted love and marriage back in the day w/Amanda Bearse
and the AIC (probs 2nd bestest art musuem in America) got the points and gives me mad wood
and the bestest set of Hawks since Spud & Dominique
and frynally I got my arse out to Wrigley for the first time mt everest!
with Cubs Fan #1 aka Samuel Gompers the MIXLIX NO DOUBT
wow the Cubs suck even from far away
bi the gay
this is what an 'obstructed view' looks like
and I think I had 17963636233.4 food comas thanks to
Lou Mal's & their fine staff
where Cubs Fan #1 held the greatest rehearsal dinner of balls thyme many (Dave) moons ago
Billy Goat Tavern which is Wizard of Boviously home to the Belushi SNL skit and many heart attacks
and now has a home in DC of balls places
Portillo's (cause Wiener Circle & Underdogg were too far away/closed when we were in the area)
and while the h'dogs were a bit bunk the dipped Italian beef made up for it and give me the best liquid shits I've had since the Clinton administration
Carson's The Place For Ribs
I'm sure there are better rib joints but how can u diss a place that owns the url Ribs.com?
The Rock n' Roll McDonalds which was the coolest fast foot joint on earth wheneth I was a kid (one day I'll unearth and scan snaps) and now is a big overly-commercialized dump hole with no rock and only cinnamon rolls it's the food equivalent of the dumping on my childhood that George Lucas did when he released those three things called prequels
how do you say 'F&ck You' in all dem languages?
and they took all the cool arse R 'n' R stuffs
and threw em in some side garage thingie
dude, who's the fake Archie bonin the fake Betty?
and dude, doesn't this kinda remind you of the autopilot from Airplane?
and dude
a white statue would never touch a black statue
and dude this hard iron bizatch
totally gave me the finest HJ I got since I never joined the HJ
and I heard a rumor that Lollapalooza was in town and cause I got the early bird tix for $45 a piece I didn't really care to spend too many hours there
although the Raconteurs totally were mint + Wolfmother and Manu Chao but I don't think I ever need to see the Flaming Lips & Gnarls B again semi-Zzzzzzz inducing if u bask me maybe I'm at the point in life where I only need to see bands once unless Jack White's in em or yer mother's in em cause she sucks like whatever music you like
bestages part of Lolla was meeting up with (sides Irish Ted and AJ Feely) Zach De La Roachclip who I hadn't see in bicentennials
who has killer kicks DO NOUBT!
then we parted ways and then he kept calling me but it was too loud to hear so I kept yelling into the phone to text me but eventually it was finally quiet so I called Mr De La Roachclip's phone and some girl picked it up and she's not Mrs De La Roachclip but some girl who found his phone and was drunk enuff to think of the grand idea to call one of the last numbers dialed and thus I was reunited with DLR's phone and later DLR
it was like the oddest and longest booty call of buffalo bills thyme
and this guy knobviously smelled and totally wanted to sell me shrooms
but I told him my bathroom already smelled just fine
and that's pretty much that
cept the dog wouldn't leave me alone cause he likes to be choked while m-batin like he was Michael Hutchence or something