Miracles on Rice were abound
last noche as the Redskins once again shit the bed like
Spud, and thus I'm officially resigning as a Redskin fan until they bench Mark Brunell, or should I say I Fucking Mark Suck Brunell, or Mark Boo-nell, or Mark POO-Nell, or Mark Brutal, or mAARPk Brunell, or Marked For Deletion Brunell, or , or I'm Worse Than A Hangnail Brunell, or I'm So Fargin Old And Blind That I need Mark
Bushnells, or Mark My Career Is More Over Than (Bru)
Nell Carter, or Why Didn't We Aquire Jeff Gaycia In The Offseason Dumbbell Organization, or Marktwan Randle Els Yeah Time or 700 Play Playbook That Requires The QB To Complete At Least One Pass Over 3 Yards Boogernell, or This Season Blows More Goats Than
Balki Bartokomous So Peas
Slit My Eyes Out Like Dali & Buñuel. Is it Football Season 2007 yet?
‰not to be confused with
Give Me Head Alfredo Garcia