Monday, September 15
Chris Rock Apollo Theater September 12, 2008

the mos hilarious thing we encountered during the taping of Chris Rock's new HBO comedy special Kill The Messenger at the famed Apollo Theater (saw two Gorillaz shows there back in the '06) had nothing to do with comedian twat so ever. yes, his stand-up show was as funny as one rib, and even dough his material seemed about as fresh as Fresh Step® Litter (politics, white vs black, black vs white, black women, black everything), not a single soul could resist the comedic charms of the man who practically owns the words 'f&ck', 'n$gger' and 'titties'. but like we said befloor, it wasn't even close to topping the laughter caused by something else we saw before he even took to the stage. the audience in attendance that night appeared to be very Anglo-Saxon (probably a nice perk from working at HBO we guess) and some of them juss weren't prepared for the unannounced sirprize warm-up act: Rakim (of 'Eric B and' fame). he got things going with a nice lil set of tunes we all know and love (with a lil DJing from Aaron LaCrate), but apparently hip-hop isn't for everyone. some dude in the row in front of us, put his head down and covered his ears for the entirety of Rakim's performance (think of him as a calmer version of the father from that Twisted Sister video). look, we've all been to shows with openers that made us want to slit our eyes and ears out and off (for us it was Marilyn Manson in '94, opening for NIN), but c'mon pal, grow a pair. or at least get a lil soul, you ignorant bastage, even if you have to paint yerself black like Neil Diamond did in The Jazz Singer (a muss click)