Monday, February 23
the 2009 Oscars Hugh Jackman Tony Awards were what we thought they were, extremely gay, and we're not juss talking about Milk (last time we say this: be sure to watch this Oscar winning doc instead of that Gus Van Sant movie). there were no real sirprizes, outside of Bashir having their dance card torn up, and as always, everyone besides Sarah Jessica Horse/Mitchface looked wonderful, hispecially Kate Winslet's dad, whom you may know better as Darkman!

we won't waste any more of yer time rehashbrowning what took place at the Kodiak Theater, so instead lettuce praise jeebus that the following things will go away for a longs while:
- watching clips of Mickey Rourke saying 'I'm an old broken down piece of meat'
- Anil Kapoor anywhere near a podium (too bad the same can't be said of Kate Winslet, although her Oscar speech was less awful than the previous 10 she gave over the past 2 months)
- Oscar montages unnecessarily including Judd Apatow films and actors (way to be serious on stage Seth Rogen!)
- seeing this pic of Melissa Leo with her arms crossed in every magazine
- Brangelina comas caused by the thought of The Snoozealing and The Not So Curious Case of Benjamin Borings
sea ewe next year!

pee es - we totally were going to do a actress fap-a-thon this year like we did two years ago, but these kids beat us to the NSFW punch (and then sum)