Friday, May 15
Management Not So Silky Smooth Stalkings Trailers & Mo | Official Website

Had Norman Bates' parents never died maybe his life woulda turned out a lot like Steve Zahn's puppy dog, un-housebroken (is the term 'housefixed'?) character Mike, in the frivolous, but fun motor lodge romantic comedy Management. Zahn's parents' (Margo Martindale & Fred Ward) are very much alive, although he isn't exactly all that well. He's no loony, but he is toony, and juss waiting to discover his special purpose in life, besides being a hapless nightwatchman. He's kinda like a modern day Navin R Johnson, yet with a bit more street cents (two pennies is still more than a penny). Instead of peepin at showering girls and then offing them dressed as mumsy, Zahn has his own brand of social retardedness and it comes out twentyfold when Jennifer Aniston, a traveling saleswoman and motel guest, catches his eye and springs our man into action. He offers her the motel's first ever complementary bottle of champagne, and she, with nothing better to do, takes pity on him and throws back a glass. Now that he's got his foot in the door, his next move is asking Aniston if he can feel her butt. Once again, she obliges. Two things leads to another and Aniston ends up making the biggest one night stand mistake of her life. She leaves town, and heads back to reality on the east coast, expecting to never see Zahn again. Little does she know that she has awoken a sleeping giant hobbit, and outta the blue, he magically appears at her doorstep. She screams stalker and that it would never work between them, but this is a movie, so of course it might work. And since it's a movie, there has to be bumps in the road, and there are, namely nemesis Woody Harrelson (the movie's true Psycho), as well as help along the way, in the form of a wise crackin sidekick (James Hiroyuki Liao). Management aint as special as Zahn is (he's one of the best at making people feel sorry for him), but it's a cute enuff movie to satisfy you Friends friends, and off beat enuff for those of you (and us) who prefer (to beat off to) her work in such goody gumdropedness as The Good Girl and Friends with Money
Soul 2 The Basshole: gawd bless Psycho title maker Saul Bass!! (and oldie link, but a goodie worth repeatin')
Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers
Management opens today in limited release
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed...