Thursday, June 18
we're late to the party on this one, but how could we resist...
![UP yours!](http://thighswideshut.org/images/movies/2009/whats_up_ripoff.jpg) What's Up? the moist blatant movie rip-off since... everything found in the Asylum's catalog, that's what's up, yo! yet it's not Asylum that's behind this downer, but a company called Pixczar or is it Fixar, or maybe Plixar or perhaps Xipar or Raxip?
![we bet the acting here is still better than megan fox's](http://thighswideshut.org/images/wallpaper/2009/transmorphers_poster.jpg)
they're also ripping off the first two words of L7's klassic kicker 'Pretend That We're Dead'