Friday, September 4
Skins Season Three, Episode 5: Freddie [trailer]
Freddie's the pretty boy, but unlike series' 1's pretty (about a) boy there's not much depth to his character besides the depth his conditioner adds to his amazin hair. Yet having amazin hair does not make up for the fact that he's bland, and it doesn't help that the actor portraying him, Luke Pasqualino, always looks like he's acting too hard in his scenes. Overall the episode was solid, spanks to those mo interesting folks that surround Fred (continued ookie Cook-ie, a classic magic trick from JJ, hairs stand on end + the return of Josie Long), but twas quite a come down after the previous ep featuring Pandora's off the wall pajama jammy jam. Also, there was one major problem with the 'sode: a gigantic lack of Skins twins!!!
so who wins this week's Fitch(/Prescott) twins action jackson award?
Ems(/Kat), who barely appears in two measly scenes
none involving kissing girls
Katie(/Meg), who barely appears in only one measly scene
that doesn't take place in a shower or our bedroom
so, our ep 5 winner: tie
and the tie goes to...
Fred's lil sister and Sexxbomb contender Karen (Klariza Clayton), who wants to go 'Ass 2 Ass' with you [empee3]
wees was wonderin if a third series happens (that would be season 5) and they kick out these current kids and start anew like they dids before, whether she'd be the one holdover like Effy was from Series 1 to Series 2. certainly wouldn't be the wurstest thang that could happen