Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Wednesday, September 30

Hustle & Motown II

Last year's trip to see the Redskins play in Detroit (Lions And Tigers And A$$ Tears, Oh My!) was such a raging success of excess that we saw no reason not to repeat the experience this year. and after a second stroll down the US automotive playground for 36 hours, we thinks we've done everything that can be done in this fine city by the lake that's a shell of its former self, besides seeing a Red Wings and Tigers game (won't bother mentioning the Pistons since professional basketball doesn't really exist, well, at least if you ignore it it doesn't exist)


this is Renaissance Center, home of the world's worstest movie theater. no wonder Michael Moore hates this place (as seen in his latest movie)

sadly the Renaissance Center didn't have any giant turkey legs like they do at the Renaissance Fest

Thighs Wide associate Jewanicur Howard Johnson demonstrates how tall he and the buildings are

and increases the amount of Jews currently in that area by 4866%

I point to a place I've never been before and still haven't been

a gym Canada!

ah, the lovely Detroit Institute of Art, aka the DIA

where after eating this incred bacon cheeseburger pizza from PizzaPapalis we added some ria to the DIA's toilets. yum!

the muse-zan is a no-brainer muss visit

esp to check out Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry 4-walled mural

these guys were smart, as they knew wees was coming to town with our nasty farts


PTI's lawyers are ready to litigate

what chu lookin out Go-Gan?

although we'll admit that yer stache kicks our beard's a$$

no need to call in Lionel Hutz

cause we ate all that we could: 6ish hot dogs, 3 things of nachos, 2 popcorns, a bag o chips, one wurst brat, and a ton of soda and water, but no soda water

sadly, the food was the only thing to cheer about on this day

not even Tommy Cruise missile could help the Skins take off versus the lowly Lions. does this mean Zorn will be gone and we'll get a 'Who The Hell Should I Hire' part 2? gas up Redskins One!

Ford Field is a sight to be seen, and for once, for their fans, they actually had something worth seeing, cept for those who didn't go to the game cause it was blacked out locally (blacked out is racist!!!)

the Lions deserved to win and the Skins deserved to lose, and watching this happen was actually a lot more fun than watching the Skins win with 3 FGs last week vs the Rams

I love my boys, and always will, but they suck, or are juss really stuck. hopefully the ship will be righted, instead of lefted

but until then, the jerseys will return to the closet and hang in shame

word em up to the lamest form of pubic transportation we've ever seen:

The Detroit People Mover!