Hey Dude, Small Wonder, My Secret Identity. What do all these shows have in common? They were some of the Thigh Master's all-time flavor favs as a youngin. And as I grew up, so did my taste. These shows have now been replaced in my heart with more humoristic and intellectual fare such as Six Feet Wonder, Da Ali G Show, anything Andy Rooney sez, and of course, one of the finestest shows ever to grace a PAL or NTSC monitor: The Office. In a measly 12 episode set, I had never larfed, cringed, or become so attached to a show's characters than I did with this BBC import. I got my first taste when my former officemate P Diddy Robbins brought back the first season from the Olde Country. I couldn't live without seeing the second season and pleaded with my expatriated British Hotlantian bud Jamsey KnightsoftheRoundTable to dig them up for me. The very last episode ended on such a bleak tone that I almost wanted to cry my eyes out. I thought that was the end of it, but found out they released a Christmas Special that put the Star Wars Holiday Special to shame... like thats some feat. The Special picks up 3 years after season 2 ended, as the documentary crew are seeing what everyone's dilly be.
Now FF (or is that REW) to a month ago when I found out the Special was to finally get its US air date on BBCA in late October. I was more eggcited to peep this than Star Wars: Episode III... like thats some feat. Then Big Bad Bogs informed me that there was going to be a special screening of the Special at the Museum of TV & Radio, with the man behind the goatee himself, Ricky Gervais. I would have sold all of my organs and sperms to be at this event. Luckily it was only 12 dollars.
REW to last night, along with Dickey Greenleaf and Megbot, we got to watch the entire Special. And the verdict? For those of us who have been waiting for so long to see it, it was well worth it. Dicky Greenleaf said it was "f-ing AWESOME!", I say it was "friggin UMCREDIBLE!" and Megbot found it somewhere in between. I won't give away any spoilers, but lets just say its jam packed full of goodies like David Brent singing (again) and his attempt at tackling the dating world. We also get to see some sort of resolution on the whole Dawn and Tim sticky situation. Throw in some Gareth and Keith magic and what you have is 100+ minutes of some of the BREASTEST TV I HAVE EVER SEEN. I can't wait to TiVO it and watch a zillion mo thymes... or when
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the DVD comes out with both seasons AND the special (which would make a grand Thigh Master b-day gift). If you've never seen any of em, its never to late to start. I personally give it my sign of approval. And if for some reason you aren't satisfied, I will buy you an ice cream cone from McDonalds (this offer not valid outside of the continental USA).
The Q&A didn't really reveal much more than I already knew, but Ricky's greatest influence is Laurel & Hardy and his next project is about being a movie extra. Stay tuned!!
The Office Special airs Thursday, October 21st at 9pm, Saturday, October 23rd at 9pm, and Sunday, October 24th at 9pm. And Ricky will be appearing on
Letterman tonight with Jude Law. Quite the Brit-lovefest!