Monday, March 7
- Lemme start out by saying I am a huge hypocrite. On Friday, I tore Be Cool a new arsepipe and what did I go and do this weekend? Get FORCED by knifepoint to see it in theaters by my so called 'friend' Dickey Greenleaf. I wanted to see Dear Frankie with the every lovely Emily Mortimer, but I did get free popcorn for trying to Be Cool. Anywho, a full review is 4thcummin, but lettuce juss say that the percentage of Vince Vaughn movies sucking dingleberry cereal has risen from 76 to 82%. I mean, the effin Pacifier beat it at the box office!! And don't even get me started on Steven Tyler...
- Andy Rooney's take on the Oscars is his best of the year. 'There are a couple of categories they might add to the Oscars. Lowest cut dress might be a category. We studied some pictures for a long time trying to pick a winner. It was a tie between Natalie Portman and Salma Hayek. I never heard of either of them, but they probably never heard of me, either.'
- U2 add fall dates to their tour. They hit MSG 10/7, 8 & 10.
- More Danny Boyle madness, like Porno: Trainspotting 2, 28 Weeks Later, a sci-fi pic, and The Odyssey?!! The future's so bright, I've got to wear shades!!
- Steven Shainberg's follow-up to Secretary will be a Diane Arbus biopic starring Nic Kid.
- Britney to follow in Celine's footsteps, but that doesn't mean she's going to marry some older creepy guy who looks like he always wearing eyeliner.
- Anyone else feel sorry for Flava?
- Don't eggspect Mike Skinner to appear in Austin Powers 4: LotsPussy.
- Let's make believe that Weezer could have come up with a better album title.
- Greatest name you never heard of: Fenella Woolgar
- The Singhsons [via Johnny Dollar$$]
- Chinese Adviser Urges Lip Synching Ban
There will be no more postings until tomorrow in preparation for a very special specialness. In the meanthyme...
 [via UMC]