Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Friday, May 13

Corn On The 4th of July?

• What, you thought I didn't go to Coachella? SUCKERS!!!! You fell for the largest post-April Fool's Day prank since John Kerry was announced as the Democratic Presidential nominee. I was indeed in the hiz-area, but was too busy to attend the actual show cause I spent my time more wisely: maxin' n' butt waxin' round a pool, big gulping frozen margaritas with the blogerati, but mos def importantly, cold hard chillin in a kitchen with my girl Ultrahottie, rockin out in our bikinis and ODing on 21455850032317758 ears of corn on the cob. Some say best Coachella ever. I mean, I had the corn poopies for over 10 days!!

• Live Aid II a go in July? U2, Coldplay, Paul Mc, Oasis, Madonna, Robbie Williams, and Scissor Sisters rumored for the UK part of it and Eminem and The Red Hots in DC! Hopefully that shiz coincides with Sister Thigh Master's wedding weekend over the 4th.

• Nicole Wants Bigger Boobs

• Dynamic duo Ricky G & Stephen Merchant (who looks like a semi-British version of Peabs, but boviously not as effin beautiful) are returning to their radio roots.

• I didn't realize that Rachel Bilson and I both shared a dark secret: we were both Subway Sandwich Artists.

• On first listen, it's awful. But Damon Albarn's latest is full of buried treasure, says Alexis Petridis. Sorry if you missed the download, cause shiz is HOT!

• Wondering what the helga been going on in with the David Lynch mob? His next joint will be called Inland Empire and stars Laura Dern, Justin Theroux, Harry Dean Stanton, Jeremy Irons and a host of others. YUM. Now for the BUMmer... according to, Paramount will be pushing back the DVD release of Twin Peaks Season 2 on DVD to Spring 2006. Boourns and 83/37ths!

• El Muerto? More like La Basura (that's 'the trash' for u taco hatersz)!!!

And the man with all the hot links these days, Richie Richard the Lionfarted, drops three beauties on my lap...

• Doctors: Vaginal Cream May Be Harmful For Face

• Six Perfect Sideburns in Five Minutes!

• And in loving memory of Caleb, TV's mos flavorite arseface, everyone get all crunked up this tweakend and GO bananas [audio/video]!

SUPER BONUS LINK: Finally, one that doesn't make me want to throw up... Sophie Marceau Boob Slip!!!!