• What a week it has been FOX's pin-up toy Logan Marshall Green! First Jack Bauer ALMOST chopped off his legs and threw him into a lava pit when he tried to choke Padame, but he saved himself when he admitted how much he loved cock and how he thinks his TV dad looks like a Kennedy family reject. Then just last night, he was taking it easy with Orange County's most easiest when all hell broke loose again. Almost as loose as said girl. Seems his brother Rygar wasn't too fond of his fondling of the hottiest woman in the world named Mischa. Well, lettuce juss say he gots what he deserved as the OCk ended with a BANG! And with 24 peacing its fork out this Monday, I guess its time to bid adieu to the man we call Logan Marshall Trey Richard Heller Green Atwood. You will be missed. And by missed, I mean I'd shit on your house, at the first very first chance I get, like Ronald Miller did to earn respeck on his best friend Kenneth's house in Can't Buy Me Love. If Brian Austin Green couldn't buddy hacket, how can you?
• Why is women be so darn beautifulski and men are so (Michael) Gross?
• Lohag, still nasty
• Lohag Felicity in MI3?
• Depp to go gonzo again. Last time around was genius... too bad the movie wasn't.
• Aye ca-WHAT-a, Bart is a mayor?
• Woah, the OG Lebowski Fest mcnabbed They Might Be Giants this year!
• BV skims thru the semi-hard to navigate NYC's River2River Summer Fest site to give you the best of the best breast of the breast! No confirm on the Fiery Furnabest show... yet.
• Guns ‘N’ Roses Album Update #1,367, and no I didn't make up that headline!
• The Stripes are in such a hurry this summer. I guess you could call them RUSSIANS! Speaking of my ancestors, why not download Roxette's greatest hits from one of their fine internets portals!
• Beck loves Cali
• Boring just got bigger!
• Gorillaz brainchildren, Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn, will be making the following in-store appearances next week:
May 24 - Newbury Comics, Boston, 7pm
May 25 - Criminal Records, Atlanta, 6pm
May 26 - Virgin Megastore, Union Square NYC, 12-2pm

• Cherish
these Steve Hartman reports now, before you see him on the streets pissing on himself and talking to mail boxes.
• Geri 'Ginger Snatch Spice' Halliwell's gig of a lifetime:
Blur in the '95? I knew she was deliscumptious, but I didn't realize she had good taste too!
• Fooled by
Justin/Fubar 2.0/Don't Link This'
disappearing act? I was never worried for a second, but me likes the new look, hispecially seein'
Thighs occupy the top link slot. Dare I say, thanks a slot?
Chewie may pick up his chicks at Cons, but
Darth makes his living off em!
• Damn, I was really hoping to sue my 1st grade baseball coach for
patting me on the ass as I rounded first base.
Silent Flute dug up some hot snaps from the
24 season finale. Peeep em
here, and
Unfortunate Star Wars Costumes• And now for the other OC, the REAL OC:
Ocean City, Merryland, where me and the fellers, who attended
the 11th best high school in AMORICA (!), will be celebrating the waning freedom days of one Davi Phil El Hofbergo... who oddly enough reminds me of a kindler, gayer (only cause he's too good in the kitchen), Ryan Atwood. Anywho, did you know that there's a growing
rivalry between the two OCs that no one even knows about??? Either spray, I'm thinking that Misch's and mine's love will erase the rift that seperates our two great OCs. I guess we'll juss have to wait and O'sea.
pink stencil font 4eva!!Pee es - as you probably gathered, dearest
Pammy Pam was not able to come back and beat
Mr Mustachio. A sad day indeed. And although she did not win the big monies I still would heavily consider letting her have the honor of taking my super sperm and turning it into super sexy smart and smart-arsed children.