Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Monday, June 13

From King of The World
To Average Joe

• Boy how the mighty hath fallen (this would have also applied to Jacko, had any of the 10 counts come back guilty). Once unbeaten, then a rapist and an ear eater, and now a complete joke, like Parisian Glass Joe. Tis ending of an era is mos sadder than the ending of Rain Man...

• Or is it more sadderer then the fact that the great Pizza Pasta got left behind when the game made the leap from the arcade to the 8-bit Nintendo.

• Damon Albest takes a piss on Live 8 for not being black enuff, while Pink Floyd reunites for the guy who played Pink Floyd and his thing.

• It was destiny that brought them together, but it was... WHO CARES?!?!?

• Peace the fork out MacGyver boss man!

• Christina Aguilera's music was used to keep Guantanamo Bay prisoners awake. But if they really wanted to torture people, they should juss play the crap on disc that is LCD Soundsystem. AWFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!

• Amy Sedaris interviews Sam Rockwell. If they ever had children together, it would be the hottiest funny thing ever created since Drexel's Class.

• Owen Wilson never read the script to Anaconda before arriving on set.

• 60 Mins was a repeat last nite, but that doesn't mean that Rooney's take on US coins doesn't deserve a 2nd look. I would have paid $2 zillion dollars to be there when he was using the Penny Arcade @ Commerce Bank.

• For the last time, Mike D is NOT related to Screech or Neil Diamond

• Quit MESSING with her boobs

• You're Anus

• The Picture of EVERYTHING

• Hulk Hogan, the animated gif of the gawds [via My Man Marvkus]

• Dead url I'm so spankful for being resurrected:

• How To Draw The Nipples Back On Victoria's Secret Catalog Models Using Adobe Photoshop [via Itzaaa Richie]

• Think Tom Cruise, Senor Speilbergo, and the special effects are the reasons to go see War of the Worlds? Yer more dead wrong then when Neville Chamberlain tried that appeasement crap on a watermelon-crazed maniac. Sure, I heart Miranda HOTTO & Tim Robbins berry mucho much, but this invasion flick should be renamed The Passions of The Dakota Fanning Is Scared: THE MOVIE. Why? Cause she's 5623655900233 times better an actor than Scientologist Jones could ever be, and she's only 2 1/2 years old!! Give her 10 years and she'll have more Oscars than Meyer. + she's the cutest thing I've EVER seen in my entire life. And before you think dirtywise you sick FORKS, I wouldn't let her sleep in my bed or serve her Jesus Juice (which may or may not explain her shirt below), but I'd love to go and play on the playground with her or eat 6 zillion ice cream sangwhiches with her while watching every single Neverending Story on DVD, even the one with Jack Black. She just plain rules the schools and the shuls. And since I think so THIGHLY of her, I've decided to adopt her. I give to you, Jean Claude Van Dame Dakota Fanning the I of Thighland. Just promise to never grow old, up, and awkward like Haley Joel Omeletteeee.
