[More from our Holiday at Rehomo Beach, DE here]•
The OC's new chief resident jackass,
Dean Hess, is secretly an Aryan clone of Hitler ready to make things Reich. He may juss end up with Julie Cooper Nichols and then she'll become Julie Cooper Nichols Hess
Atia of the Ju-Ju Bees. BONUS: forgot to TiVo the ep? Catch-up
here • Mischa Mishka thanks her
mum (not JCNH) for her style, but has yet to give up any kinda gratitude to sibling
Falkor, who help pave the way to success in Hollywood for all the luck dragons of our world.
Renée Smellweger's marriage has apparently turned more sour than her
'I suck on 15 lemons per minute' face. Too bad she can't rekindle with Jack White since he's moved on to redder pastures. And too bad
this may happen
Ringo's birthplace is to be demolished cause it has 'no historical significance'.
Forget about the past and all your sorrow/The future won’t last/It will soon be your tomorrow•
Lohag's funbags Lohan's eyebags 'removed in editing suite' • Call me when
they go to eleven [via
Bill Gates Meets Napoleon Dynamite•
Siskel & Ebert (& Roepers)'s Top Ten Bestest of the Year Lists from the 69 to the 04
• Poop poops
CMJ Awards outta his poophole
Captain O aint no hero of mine
• Google Betas a
Blog Search Engine, but why search when you can find everything you'd ever want right here
Why is gas priced to nine-tenths of a cent?•
Why do photographers ask you to say "cheese"?•
Rear Of The Year•
Porn Star or Pop Star•
De'Cody comes from a long line of fags [via Wrigley Fielder]
• Mad phat rhymes + Legend of Zelda =
this [via K-Paxman]
The Martha Dumptruck/Andy Milonakis Conspiracy• Bid on
The Ultimate Hippie Vacation [via Z de la R]
• And how could I forget to mention the peace de la forging out of
the great Robert Wise. If you don't know who I speak of, you better wise up you wisenheimer!!! Not only was he the pimp behind the wheels and 2-time Oscar winner (4 overall) for
The Sound of Music and
West Side Story, but also was the shrimp behind the pimp behind
Citizen Kane (aka, he edited what is considered the greatest flick of them all), and for trivia purposes, was the last crew member to die... although cast member
Sonny Bupp, who played Kane's young son, Charles Foster Kane III, is still alive and kickin', making him the ONLY living person associated with
Kane alive. We'll miss you Robbie... and we'll freeze you Sonny.
PS -
I think something happened to Britney recently, or something, but WHO CARES?!?!
PS2 -
PS 69 -
PS M'YES! - Is there any possible way that
The Quiet won't eventually break the pause and A-B repeat buttons on my DVD player? I guess we'll have to wait awhile to find out the answer to that chilling query, but in the greenwhich meantime, these will suffice...