frynally, some news of the utz mos importance...
is pronounced
SHY'-uh luh-BUHF

and literally means
'thank God for beef'
[via KTRE]• By the gay, Mrs Beef of Whereington, Clara Peller, was not only fired for finding the beef, but
• By the gay 2,
Boof from
Teen Wolf is in no way related to Shia or anyone else of the LaBeouf Tang Clan
• Janet Jackson. NSFW. Non-Super Bowl related. Sorta hactually beatoffable, unlike these
sweet talian hams.
Click now.
• On Dec 1st, The White Stripes will boldly go where no band has performed before:
The Daily Show wit Jon Stewart. Maybe they'll do something special like wear orange and purple... or talk about their upcoming
Michel Gondry directed video featuring Conan O'Best (?)
• Belated but, no more $40 a lay for the former
Ms Ray• Somehow Brett Ratner will fuck
this up
• Did you know that
Monks Diner in Seinfeld is the same place as Tom's Diner in Suzanne Vega's world? [via
the Vega]
The Flash 6-Disc DVD Box Set be coming in early '06. Don't all pre-order it at once or the world's computers may all implode. [via Pakula Shaker]
• Field Day founder/perennial loser, Andrew Dreskin finally succeeded at something... even if
that something is really nothing important
Soccer Wives and Girlfriends [via
Double V]
• I swear that I had nothing to do with these
Hasselhoff photoshoppings from hell•
Siberian City Raises Concert Costs for Gay Performers... click for the story, but stay for picture
How does scratch and sniff work?•
What's up with the "Acme Company"?/Why Wile E. Coyote Will Never Catch The Road Runner•
The Top Ten Classic Arcade Game Songs•
What Is 88mph? + oldie
What Is Cosby? [beware the AUDIO]
Ukulele Disco•
Textbook examples of Moustaches, Chin & Cheek Beards, and good ole Full Beards
• Loved you some alternative
Shining trailer? Then you'll surely love you some zombie
West Side Story, and maybe
this Titanic one, which would have been a better way to market that POOPfest. Looks like these 3 were all created by the creative folks at
PS260• And while one Charlotte Church got
her shoes jacked, another CC got sentenced to
the big house for 21 years for likey-ing kiddie porn. What does this have to do with the price of eggs? I dunno, but she kinda looks like
Melinda Clarke/
Atia in
this snap, and I since need me to gets my swerve on with dem following curves on, she hath saved herself from the chopping blocks. The same can't be said of Annie Boleyn, who had to go cause she had six fingers and
like ZERO boobage!