Lord, oh lord, all mighty and misty, who hath created
Popeyes Fried Chicken and Biscuits in your own image, please halteth the rain that hath plagued our fine, fair, and urined smelling city for a week plus. I don't know how to anti-rain dance, and I can't seem to find the
Virgin Connie Swail to sacrifice in your honor, so in Lou of all that, I have provided you with these mp3s, for your Godpod.
'No Rain' - Blind Melon
'Be The Rain' - Neil Young
'November Rain' - Guns 'N Roses
'Raining Again' - Moby
'Why Does It Always Rain On Me' - Travis
'Purple Rain' - Prince and the Revolution
'So. Central Rain' (Live on Letterman) - R.E.M.
and not an mp3, but the cpt of cool, TV's
Rainn Wilson
Peas note, there are many a 'rain' songs out there, but you alls can finger out where to find em yerself. Now leave me be, go see
Domino, and have yerself a kick arse tweakend! Go Skins!!