To hell with Corey Haim [d-lode], cause a more pressin pregunta is whatever happened to Gary Larson? Seriously bra, where is you? You was top of the pops. While Charles M Schultz and Bill Keane bored us to death, BC and Hagar bored us even more to death, and while everyone was too busy JOing all over Calvin & Hobbes, you were putting the comic back into comics. Bless your pen, and yer thighs. Here are 4 of my mos flavorites of yers...

Much love and respeck to
your wishes Gary, but your brilliance muss be thrusted onto the internets or else the kids today will grow up thinking funny is
Family Guy, and as us smarts peoples know,
Family Guy isn't. Same goes for
Wedding Crashers,
Friends, and anything written by gentiles