Tuesday, March 14
Mrs Henderson Presents Not To Be Confused With The Boob Movie!! View Trailer
Dude, all I have to say write is: Dame Judi Dench, a tit load of tits, and Bob Hoskins' furry b-day suit.
Recommended for those who like: yams, cans, jugs, and DAMES, and naked wookies named Bob Hoskins!!
Possible Porno Name: Mrs Henderson Prevents Hairy Bush
Unsatisfied with this? Netflix the Emily Hottimer jazzlecise Bright Young Things, or Showgirls, if yer feelin Verhoevenish Apt MPupil3: 'Vera' by Pink Floyd [d-lode]
Picture Pages: Florence Henderson presents herself [NSFW]
John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict): Jeepers Worth A Peepers, although it was almost Breast In Show if Breast In Show was solely based on breasts per minute of screentime divided by hair pie R squared
The New World Not So A-Maize-'n View Trailer
The first thirty minutes, pure cinema. The rest? Oh, juss the latest snooze-o-rama from director Terrence Malick, including, but not the limited too: the love story boring of Walk The Line, with less guitars and more Pocahontas selling Land o' Lakes whilst being chased and bedded by Colin Farrell and Christian Bale thru fields of corn, also known as maize, but not Maze in your face, or null space [d-lode Anime theme song madness NOW, + JUNKY BOY too!]. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Actually the movie colonized itself when Captain Georg von Trapp left Colin Farrell in charge of America while he went back to England for shitty weather and dentistry! AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! He calls up his buddies Kid Rock and Scott Stapp and they start filming Girl Gone Bukkake 2112, in the NEW WORLD!! OH SNAP! Insert some native Americans, and presto, zzzzzzzzzzz with native Americans!
Recommended for those who like: the Apoclaptpo trailer, Chief Wahoo, or kinfolk of Jewel, of photobooth NSFWness fame
Possible Porno Name: The Prude Girl Visits The Nude World
Unsatisfied with this? Netflix Master And Commander: The Far Side of the World Apt MPupil3: 'Hail To The Redskins' by The Redskins Band [d-lode via That Guy]
Picture Pages: thanks to Google I know now now know that The Thin Red Zzzzz is nuttin but a 2nd-rate Señor Spielbergo cigarrillo del marajuana

John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict): Sum Merit But No Stinkin Wisconsin Badgers