Jack Wild
aka the one and only
Artful Dodger

1952 - 2006Out of all the Peace The Fork Outs this one hurts the most (had been around in '99, Kubrick woulda been #1 in hurtsing). Cause you see, when I was a wee TM taking BMs in my pants, for some odd reason, I was crazily obssssssessed with the movie musical
Oliver!, and in particular with the lil mouthy pickpocket with an adjective for a first name and a baseball team for a surname. All I wanted to do in life, besides pick my nose and watch
Duck Tales, was to hang out with A Dodge. He seemed so cool, and he was juss so darn adorable. I know that sounds gay, but I am 1/16th gaylick. And on this day, I think of my poor mother, who had to keep re-renting the VHS tape from Erols (a DC area local ghetto video rental store), and who had to listen to the soundtrack ad infinitum while driving me to and afro. Jack went on to do other shiz, like
H.R. Pufnstuf, but I never watched any of it. Probably cause I didn't think to, or subconsiously, I didn't want to see him in another role that didn't include a top hat and a blue coat. Peace the fork out lil buddy. And a big effin middle finger bang up the butty of
Grampa Joe (Jack AssAlbertson), who wrogfully beat out Jacky W for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar at the
'69 Academy Awards.
Give listenage to the following artful Jack Wild tunes from
Oliver!, which in my opinion, is and will always be the single greatest movie musical of balls thyme
'Consider Yourself' [
'I'd Do Anything' [