I edward james almost forgot how much fun driving is, and all the things you see

And how thumbpossible it is to try and pee in a cup while you do it
What a Paul 'Bonehead' Arthurs we is! Wees didn't even think to use
IMDB's Joint Venture feature to see if recently peaced the forked outted Mr Knotts & Mr McGavin ever worked together and spanks to long time reader long time wife beater Menyinc, we put 6 and 9 together and we eat out our own ass while giving ourselves a BJ that would make
BJ Armstrong jealous!! Not so foddly enuff, both matches were Disney jounks:
No Deposit, No Return and
Hot Lead and Cold Feet. And for the record, recently life no s'mored
Dennis Weaver never shared billing with deez Knotts, but kicked it with D-Mc on '92s
10,000 B.C. will require
CBell, my and our belle, to wear a prehistoric
coconut bra. What do coconut bras have to do with pre-history? I dunno, but I'd be willing to suspend my disbelief whilst I stick my hand down my briefs
Today is a big day if you're a
Carey Mulligan Fanatic. OK, so I's talkin only to myself, the world's sole confirmed CMF, but both of these discs are worth picking up, Netflixing, or flizzflammering. Hispecially the one with
Guppy. GUPPY!!!

Actress, &
Picture cookies [via
Another one of dem dere
Skeet on Mischa Willa Cobra Snake-A-Thonstuesday monday morning testIs
Biscuit City to white people what Chocolate City is to black peoples?
The Star Wars Photoshopping ProjectHow Products Are MadeThe WangCaster [via
Dick Tripwire]
So is this what becomes of a former Her Royal Thighness?

[via UMC]'You Only Live Twice' - Nancy Sinatra [
'Millennium' - Robbie Williams [