Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Monday, April 9

Do To List

1) DVR/TiVo/Watch the following Thighly rated doc on PBS tonight!

2) read Michael 'Brother of Kevin' Bacon's supposeded response to Uncle Grambo's labeling of their Springsteen 'Streets of Philly' cover as a 'sonic abortion'

3) book a Delta flight and pray that u get stuck with one of their leftover Song Airline planes, which includes an addictive redonkeydonk British penned trivia game, as part of their IFE... although I coulda done w/o the 5 hour delay Mr Gate Crasherjerkass

4) sign up for Waitress screenins'

5) eat as many See's Toffee-ettes® as human and animally as possible

6) GO SEE THE BESTEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR, ZODIAC, or it's Mexican cousin, before it disappears from theaters for good!