Margot At The Wedding
Fornever Holding It's Peace
Trailers & Mo

After the
critical darling that was
The Squid In The Whale, all delighted eyes were zeroed in on writer/director Noah Baumbach's follow-up project. Who woulda thunk though that it would come purty darn close to being a total zero? Sadly, it's a question I'll be asking for quite some time. Picking up on where he left off with horrible people acting horrible to one another,
Margot centers on the dysfunctional sisterhood of Nicole Kidman and Baumbach's real-life wife Jennifer Jason Leigh. While
Whale had some sympathetic characters that we could actually pull for (I was totally rooting for Billy Baldwin's Ivan),
Margot has none, and that's why, for me, it doesn't work. It's endless bickering that goes nowhere cept on and on. By the time the credits were rollin, it seems like nothing had transpired, but then again, I cared so little for these deplorable peeps, it didn't bother me one bit. The only thang that bothered me was how great Jack Black was. I'm glad he kept the stache but dropped the whole
luchadore outfit. I smell a winning formula for the mos tenacious one
We Love:
Halley Feiffer, almost more than Baumbach. Hollywurst, please cast
Jules' daughter in anything and everything
John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict):
Sum Merit But No Stinkin BadgesRedactedArmy Fatigue
Poor Brian De Palma. Over the years, many have accused him of being a hack, and in some instances, they're right. But lately in his career, he isn't a hack as much as he's juss a poor opportunist. It seems that he keeps delivering movies in a market already saturated with the same product. In 2000 it was
Red Planet to his equally popcorny
Mission To Mars. In 2006 it was
Hollywoodland to his equally lame
Black Dahilia. And in 2007 it's every movie you can think of about the Middle East to his well intentioned, but poorly executed/overacted
Redacted. And that's really all I have to say about it. This redundant trend will end next year when De Palms returns to hackdom, hacking himself with a
Untouchables prequel,
Capone Rising, with
King Leojacka$$ blasphemin on Connery's Oscar-winning role as Jimmy Malone
A Spring In His Step: De Palms directed
the video for Bruce Springsteen's Courtney Cox sucking 'Dancing In The Dark'John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict):
Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badgesboth flicks open today in select theaters
until next thyme the balcony is clothed...