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Summer of Spam

Knocked Up
Baby Geniuses

Bein such a negative Nelly when it comes to comedies, I honestly believed that no other movie was going to topple Hot Fuzz [ review] from the year’s top spot in good humor. That is shlubvs course until I was wowed by Judd Apatow’s latest sex comedy, Knocked Up. I was wowed simply cause I didn’t expect to be. I was probably the only person on earth who didn’t have his hilarity hymen broken by The 40 Year Old Virgin [ review]. It may not have been as numb and number inducing as any Will Ferrell comedy, but it wasn’t anything earth or youranus shattering either. That film was solely carried by Steve Carell’s innocence, but his innocence has been utilized far greater in pretty much every other thang he’s been in, well, cept maybe in Sleepover. So based on Virgin, I wasn’t eggspecting too much from Knocked Up, hispecially being a Michael Scott Free-less production, and a Seth Rogen love fest. Boy was I wrong, cause with Rogen drivin this ship, and by ship, I mean Katherine Heigl’s amazin bod to motherhood, not only did hilarity ensue, but reality as well. Yeppers. Up is not only loaded with laughter, but it’s 526% more realistic than most comedies. When’s the last time you could actually identify with the characters in the comedy? If your answer is Horatio Sanz in Boat Trip, then please cut out your eyes, then cut your penis in half and then shove each half penis into your now empty eye sockets. See Knocked Up, NOW!

Know Ledge: Count Rogen, along with 8 other peeps, were nominated for an Emmy in 2005 for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program for their work on HBO’s Da Ali G Show

Don’t Knock It Tell You Try Them: 3,234 Knock Knock Joe-ks

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Grant Show•

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Fool of Ship, I mean Full of Shit

After the barnacle debacle that was adventure #2 [one of our better reviews mt everest], I thought the Pirates franchise had nowhere to go but up. With #3, At World’s End (hell, it coulda been called Curse of the Jade Scorpion for all I care), the franchise doesn’t move up or down, but laterally. Seriously folks, if they projected #2 in the theater, under the name of #3, I wouldnta known the difference. They’re the same exact pointless movie: some pirate captain returns from the dead, they sail somewhere, when they’re done there, they sail somewhere else, the crew goes rrrrrrr, uglfied Naomi Harris cooks some voodoo chile, Tessek gets slimy, Orlando Bloom bores me to death, and Keira Knightley doesn’t give anyone a lap dance. And to make splatters worse, the only worthwhile thang about the whole Pirates universe, Captain Jack Sparrow, doesn’t even appear until 40+ minutes in! And the tease they tack on after the end credits [vid] wouldn’t even whet the appetite of Dom DeLuise after a 3 month hunger strike!! If they really wanted to make Pirates 3 something worth writing home about, or even worth writing to a prisoner about, they should let every character get lost at sea, cept Cpt Jack and his screen father, Keith Richards, who arguably chips in one of the greatestist cameos in film history, and let the two give us a RUM for our money

IMDb Sweeney: Keef has 2 udder film credits under his belt, ’69’s Michael Kohlhaas – Der Rebell and the ’72 experimental Film Umano Non Umano, alongside Mick and former flame Anita Pallenberg

Pirate Booty: you didn’t ask for it, but yer mos def gonna click on it… KEEF RICHARDS, NUDE! [NSFW, DUH]

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Richards and Depp barely save this sinking ship from total capsizement, so Not A Whole Lot O’ Merit But No Stinkin Badges Either•

Irish Eyes Are Singing

Frames frontman SLASH Commitments alumster Glen Hansard and Czech mate Markéta Irglová certainly make beautiful music together. For those of us who never discovered that fact on Hansard’s first solo album, which features the stylins of Irglová, The Swell Season, lettuce be thankful that the two decided to take their sweet sweet music and put in on display in one sweet sweet film. In Once, Hansard plays a Dublin street performer who befriends an immigrant single-mother, played by Irglová. They may be worlds apart, but musically, they’re more in sync than those two snake oil salesman who said ‘say’ in threes. The film is certainly rich in music, but sometimes a little too much. It sorta plays out like a 90 minute making of a music video, and sadly, in th
e process, the nice lil boy meets girl story kinda gets brushed to the side. By the time things start to gel between the two, the credits are rolling. The mind may wonder ‘what if’, but it’ll probably be too busy tryin to get that sweet sweet music outta yer pretty lil head

Netflex: if you’ve never, or haven’t in awhile, peep one of the finest music films mt EVEREST, Alan Parker’s The Commitments. Hear Glen talk about that film here

Apt MPupil3: Glen and Markéta‘s gem ‘Falling Slowly‘ [d|vid]

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Jeepers Worth A Dr Peepers•

until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


Every Which WayBut Choose

How do you take your ‘Mind Over Matter‘?

Ice-T’s lemon with sugar gulper [d]
from his new jack hustlin’ ’91 klassic
OG: Original Gangster


E.G. Daily‘s dally [d]
that’s almost as cool
as Dave & Chainsaw
from Summer School

something a bit more eastern
but not as ghetto as the d-funct airline

Jack Palance’s Hwa Rang Do-ray me
that kicks major glass
major payne
major dad


You Shows Wisely

In life, as the Grail Knight sagely and parsley sez, we muss choose, but we muss choose wisely. For if we choose poorly, we may end up like ye olde Walter Donovan, but if we choose wisely, we can led a happier, healthier life wealthier wife into leaving all her ducats in our name when she decides to kick the charlie bucket. Since we don’t advocate sugarmommying and/or murder, we want to help you choose quality TV shows that will not only waste your time, but you thyme AND your rosemary as well!

I’m sure about .000000001% of you subscribe to Showtime. And if you do fall under that minority then I’m sure yer already thoroughfarely enjoying The Tudors. If not, then you should be either beheaded or have a sixth finger sewn onto your left hand like the great Tyrone Rugen or Anne Boleyn, who’s totally been hottied up for our benefit (see above). C’mon yolks, is there anything besterer than Jonathan Rhys Meyers gaying it up as Henry the VIII? What if I told you that there’s plenty o’ boobs, butts AND that dude from Clear and Present Danger? I can already hear you dialin up yer cable co and adding on Showtime now! OK, so Showtime shows the wurstest movies of balls thyme, but they also got Weeds and Dexter, they boths busters my poin!

Lookin for something a lil less royal, but still with plenty o’ cheese (not to be confused with Plenty O’Toole)? Thought so you stoopid fargin icehole!!! That’s why the genius cockmuffins over at DIC invented the bestest Saturday morn thang since the Pac-Man cartoon: Dance Revolution. This show is aimed at gettin lazy arsed tweens off the couch and shakin their booty, but like Invisible Ink, this shiz is beyond suitable for anyone aged 12 to 112! Hosted by speed freak Brit DJ Rick (he looks like the bastard son of James Burke and Jarvis Cocker), DR pits dance duos against each other for phat scholarship monies. What, did I lose ya at tweens? What if I told you that the guest judges, including this d-bag, are more ghetto than the Ghetto Revival? Or that they teach you moves that are more right than if they were choreographed by Craig T Nelson? I still don’t gots ya? OK, this is the final bendy straw: The NY Times worthy Slumber Party Girls, SPG for short, provide all the hot tunes for the show. Never heard of them? That’s the club that I was in 2 months ago before I got hooked on their fun, refarted and darn right catchy Mccathyson ditties. There’s a lota payolacrapola on the radio, and if people love that shaz, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t heart the SPGers. I hate all that other Fergie crap, but I loves me that SPG album. Hell, you can get yer own used copy, and the shipping will cost more than the actual disc!

SPG’s ‘Make A Wish‘ [d]


Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme‘, sung by Bill Murray [d]

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