Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Tuesday, October 19

Stunted Hair Growth

the fox or the hound?
- Who's a world famous stunt guru that wants to inspire you to exercise? Apparently it's this guy BikerFox. And if you peep his pictures, you'll wonder like me why he isn't called BikerWalrus. [via Dickey Greenleaf]

- Her Royal Thighness' album Speak drops on December 7th. I may buy two copies. One to listen to and the other to j.o. on.

- Speaking of her 2% less-ness, rumors are flying that she may be cast to play Firestar, aka Angelica Jones, in Spidey 3. To which that site sez, 'If you believe this, Meryl Streep is going to play Jenna Jameson in a movie about her life featuring a cameo by me as a double-dong.' Sounds like a safe bet to me! And will someone please tell this guy that the role has already been cast.

- Star Wars III trailer to be shown before The Incredibles starting 11/5. Will also air during crappy infotainment shows on 11/4. [via Double Vikes @ dot dot dot]

- A superbly fly chick riding a mechanical bull and eating a bacon cheese burger. Is this Thighland Heaven? No, it's a friggin Hardee's commercial. [via BLOGSplotation]

- You know yer campaign has shat the bed when Yasser Arafat has endorsed you. [via OneOfTheBreastSitesEVER]

- Peace the fork out to slash-temps and HELLO to full-on hotness from the gal who got me interested in bliz-ogging in the first place: Ms Modern Age.

we all assume that everyone else from iceland is as crazy/beautiful as you
- Björk, only you would have the mostest peculiariest animatedist giftistest!

- John Edwards has great hair. And here's one of the world's most boringist videos featuring it. [via Navi aka the I-Train]

- Why again are the Red Sox named the Red Sox? Don't bother calling Robert Stack, just click here. [via Jon Juan de Wanimaker]

- Glasto '05 bands announced already?

- Sure we all ate a few pennies when we were kids, but whatta bout $197K?

- Keenan McCardell finally finds a job. Too bad someone already has him on their bench in each of the three fantasy leagues I'm in.

- Got a great idea for Karate Kid 2K5: Daniel LaRusso vs The Kancer Kicking Karate Rabbi!

- And fianlly, how did Julie know I LOVE Louis Vuitton? And who the FUDGE is Susan and why on earth did she spend 500 bones on a bag?

julie, don't be such a bag lady!