Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Tuesday, March 15

Postcards From The Wedge

anyone for some potato wedges?
• The word 'wedgie' finally gets the mad propers it deserves. Wedge Antilles could not be reached for comment.

• Cocteau Twins pull OUT of Coachella! Who the forkins are the Cocktwo Twins? [via AO Snott]

• Can someone please eggsplain why Hollyweird's got Scarlett Johansson fever? Sure she looks aiiight, but her acting chops are worser than Mischa Barton's. If she gets cast in Indy 4 over Natalie Hotman, I may never see another movie ever again that's exec produced by George Lucas.

• Bruce Willis is not banging Lohan and not taking part in a Moonlighting movie. Too bad the only thing he said yes to was Die Hard 4.0.

• How awfulable will the Lord of Rings musical be?

• Don't eggspect Teri Hatcher or the other Housewives to show off their snatchers anythyme soon.

• Kirsten Dunst likes porn on the cob

• New this year at Kings Dominion: Tomb Raider Firefall ride

• NYers: free passes to Guess Who. If we all get in, we should take a dump in a bag, light it on fire and then leave the theater after 6 minutes!

• Own a piece of National Lampoon Inc. [via Media Bistro Bistro]

• Elijah Wood will never be cool... even if he does look like The Virgin Mary.

• Ugly coffee mugs

• I take it back, side boobs are the new side boobs. right Anne? [via Looking for Mr FUBAR]

• And I keep thinking of possible replacements for Cuthy, but Her Royal Thighness the II can do no wrong in my eyes. Semper Thighs, do or tantalize!!!

can i mix my bidness with your leather
[via UMC]