Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Wednesday, March 22

Guy Fawkes This Shiz

V For Vendetta
Not Much To Remember Remember
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Nice try film peoples, but the only anarchy on display here is the bloated screenplay with all its half-cocked ideas that labors on and on for what seems like 47238432 November 5ths. High on style, and what seems like itself, there aint nuttin much to behold but a house of potential, built solely with balsa wood. It's not a total wash out, I mean, dude, Natalie Portman taking a nap on a pile of poo larger than this woman's [NSFW] for 7 hours would still be worth watching beating off to, but then again, anytime a review of ours turns into a bunch of picture pages (like Van Hell Suck/Hellboo), it aint bound for glory, or bound like Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly either. So without much further Freddy Adu about nothing, wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray/PSP/HD-DVD/VD, and in the meantime (no, not the Helmet album), do the math, cause we're not Asianified enuff to come up with something that equals $10 well spent, but wees'will stills give it a try...

V 4 Vending =

every third idea from 1984
and even the creative flip-flop casting
of John Hurt
as Big Brother
or is

the dude who's waiting for the worms?


Jack White's
whorerific van Dyck


the fury of the filth
and the filth of the fury
not including filthy
Colin Firth's Furby collection


more unsuccessful masked adaptations


Stephen Rea
doing that Stephen Rea
I'm a cop, you idiot thing
but not in the Schwarzenegger way [d-lode]


those Matrix subway platforms
that made me wanna take the first train
to I'm leaving the theaterville


bangable bald chicks
that Bald Bull
hasn't already banged


the art collection from DP's opening credits


the real man in black
not sum guy Joaquin Phoenix
sorta played in a movie
that everyone thinks weigh too highly of


Portman in the jail bait form we all know
and claim not to make love to


the opposite coolness of shooting
in an empty London
like they did in 28 Days Later


the mise en scene of
all things visual Franz Ferdinand


the real Anakin Skywalker
Sebastian Shaw
zebastard Hayden Chritisiaianianson


flubvs course

the real V

Recommended for those who like: Fry's nose, Portman's mole, and those who don't care for Florence Henderson's b-day suit [NSFW]

Possible Porno Name: V For Vaginal Beast Inspection (which I'm sure will one day become a hentai [NSFW])

Unsatisfied with this? Netflix any of the above mentioned moviezz, or the only goo Alan Moore book to movie conversion, From Hell... btw, where the fork is the berry talented Hughes' bros next jazzle?

Apt MPupil3: '1984' by David Bowie [d-lode]

€16.30 Well Spent: Guy Fawkes hat, black felt

John Grisham's Jizzum (aka Verdict): Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges. Aight, so it's kinda sorta entertainin', but tsk-tsk, and a tsk-it, a triscuit, a steve trachsel, for this shoulda been Breast In Show no diggty doubt using a be-dazzler. I'm still perplexed and mad vexed with all this over ripe tomatoing. Guess they were juss happy it wasn't Matrix IV: Convolutions