• A HUGe peace the fork out goes out to my main man
Sam 'General' Mills. You, along with Rickey Jackson, Vaughn Johnson, and Pat Swilling, made up one of THE finestest LBing corps this world has ever seen. Ahhh, gotta love the Saints circa early 90s, actually makin the pay-offs, Morten Andersen's golden shoe, a pre-rant-antic
Jim Mora,
Bobby 'The Cajun Cannon' Hebert, and the official fan club, Who Dat?, for which I was a briefly a member of. Bless yous, for you all are truly a
• And while wees saying g'bye, lettuce say HELLO TO
• Is there anyone straight pimpin' music info better these daze than
the Vegan? Eggzibit
A. And there are an arseload of MP3 blogs round these internets, but most serve up crap you wouldn't even let a deaf person listen too. Thereforski, I suggest you make a pitstop at
Your Old Kentucky Home... the only thing KY has to offer, besides the OG Lebowski Fest & AWFUL fried chicken. Pee es - I still heart you
• Ben & Jerry introduce
Dave Matthews Band's 'Magic Brownies'. Next up on the list? How bout Trey Anastasio's 'Mustachio Pistachio', Ween's 'Pure Guava' Sherbert, and Franz Ferdinand's 'Archduke Assassination Cherry Ripple'. [via
The Zzzzzzooma tour, and
Zzzzzzzziggy Starsnooze and her technicolor eyes. 'Scuse me while I taketh a nap.
Peter Murphy to tour. Anyone cool enuff to be included on the
Pump Up The Volume SDTK is aiiiiight by me.
Coldplay New Cover Art Decoded•
Uncle Grambo,
Trent Lotts, an Epcot Center tee, and plenty of bubbles =
the new 11.
The Number of F$#ks In Deadwood. I'll never know, cause of the jihad I placed on westerns. [via Mr Thought]
When did people first start doing "the wave" at sporting events?•
Cell phone graves?
• I have no arms, I have no legs, but hey,
I CAN DANCE! [loud vid via
Justin The Great]
• Frynally,
SummerStage sorta updates their dang site and here's a list of the overpriced shows (which go on sale this Sat, the 23rd @ 12pm) thus far...
Saturday, June 4th - 5:30pm doors
The Killers
Louis XIV
Tickets: $32.50 advance
Monday, June 20th - 5:30pm doors
Modest Mouse
Tickets: $30 advance
Wednesday, June 29th - 4:30pm doors
David Byrne
Featuring the Tosca Strings
Tickets: $37 advance
Thursday, July 14 - 4:30pm doors
Dinosaur Jr.
Broken Social Scene
Tickets: $37.25 advance
Monday, July 18th - 6:30pm doors
An Evening with Lyle Lovett
Tickets: $39.50 advance
Tuesday, July 19th - 6:00pm doors
Elvis Costello & The Imposters
featuring the vocal stylings of Emmylou Harris
Tickets: $57.50 advance
Thursday, August 18th - 5:30 doors
Death Cab for Cutie
The Decemberists
Tickets: $30 advance
• And Cuth-ness, I wanted to tell you the following face to sitting on my face, but here it goes: I'm sorry sweet-teets, but I like totally cheated on yous and yer fine arse crease this past tweakend with
Ivanka and her luscious harris/jackson lips. She was so in the mood to pump some iron and since you know how much I love irony and that my penis is made out of a recycled 9-iron, I had no choice but to oblige. Plus she hypnotized me with her hypnothighs. But it's all your fault THIGHNESS!!! If we didn't sit around eating microwaved tunafish and
play Donkey Conga all the time, then maybe this would have never happened!!

THIS JUS IN WOWNESS: 6/8 Columbia, MD - Merriweather Post Pavillion, Line up: The Killers, Keane, Kaiser Chiefs, Louis XIV & Regina Spektor. No more info avails at this time [via Keane newsletter]