Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Monday, August 8

Moments of Silence
For Men of Words

1938 - 2005 | 1927 - 2005

• More eggciting info has been dropped for that Coney/Staten Island music thingie in Rocktober

Cpt Zzzzzz happy to be a part of the 21st century


• Charlotte Church's boobs get people canned, but how can I get her boobs on my can?

• The NCAA hates Indians

• When did Princess Leia become the Prime Minister of the Ukraine? [via Johnny $]

Scarlett Johansson is forking Jewish?!?!@?! I'm going to save her a seat at my next Seder and give her a lil shank bone love.

• I can't bee leave my Subway Sub Club membership is going to be revoked

What's the difference between e.g. and i.e.?

• Wanna make yer baby look really stoopid? Go ahead, no one's stopping you

Crates & Barrels, in videogames

• Bid on one unscratched McDonald's Dick Tracy Crimestopper's Game

•, your #5 search result for 'men tea bagging pictures'

• I almost thought my head was going to explode on Saturday. Why? Well, me and Chillary G have been playing O.C season 1 catch up and dared to watch 7 episodes in a span of 7 + hours (we took a break for dinner). Yep, 315 minutes filled with more or less the same melodramas being repeated over and over. How many times is Ryan not going to express his feelings to Marissa only to have her get upset at him and then not want to be with him only to want to be with him later on, but then he no longer wants to be with her? And why do they have to get rid of good characters all the time? Luke is effin the man and if Seth Cohen doesn't want to I'd sure love to strongshlong Samaire Armstrong (who looks so much more fab with long hair). I juss can't bee leave I missed that season when I first aired. I've been hitting myself in the head like Oliver ever since.

• And you can have the Jeff Garcia lookin one cause I got dibs on the short on dude with the hairy arms and back!

[via BBB via Gulf of Sonkin]