Thighs Wide Shut Thighs Wide Shut

Tuesday, August 16

Six Feet Low & Rising?

So now that the one of the breastest shows of all thymes, Six Feet Under, is coming to an end, will there be life after death? Well I have one restupidilous idea floating around my toilet bowl of a head...

(eggscuse crappy mock-up, I'm using Microsoft Paint)

It'll be juss like the Herbie movie, cept this red-head is hactually more bangable now than Lohagski, and we'd actually love to see this car ressucrrected like Tupac!! Maybe we can even get Kevin Dillon to replace his brother as the evil guy. If not, Corey D will do.

• HRT the IIIrd is set to become the Queen of Tennis the XVth. There hasn't been this much uniting of kingdoms since... er, uh, um, THE UNITED KINGDOM!!

• Peace the pork out Norma Jennings' slimy step-pa, Ernie 'The Professor' Niles

• Don't worry, I'm happy!

• Boobalicious Brit asks CC to sing at her wedding

• Timeline: Blur v Oasis after Britpop

• Tickle me jealous: this guy got paid $1.85 per hour watch A Clockwork Orange a total of 62 times

• Whatever became of acid rain?

• Walken For Prez [via Shoppe]

• Robocat [via Dr Falada via Engadget]

• I'm in VT licking maple syrup for the next week or so, so posting my be a lil lighter than Al Leiter's loafers. In the meantime...